Products that are Recognized for Safer Chemistry by the EPA

Stearns Packaging Corporation has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Safer Choice label by meeting the rigorous criteria of the Safer Choice Program. Safer Choice works with manufacturers to develop safer cleaning and other products that also meet high performance standards. The Safer Choice label allows consumers or purchasers to quickly identify and choose effective products that help protect the environment and are safer for people and pets.


6 Safer Choice formulations available in our Water Flakes® water soluble packets.



8 Safer Choice formulations available in our One Packs™ premeasured liquid and powder packs.



3 Safer Choice formulations available in our Quart'r Packs® water soluble packets for quarts.



EPA/Safer Choice recognition does not constitute endorsement of this product. The Safer Choice label signifies that the product’s formula, as Stearns Packaging Corporation has represented it to the EPA, contains ingredients with more positive human health and environmental characteristics than conventional products of the same type. EPA/Safer Choice relies solely on Stearns Packaging Corporation, its integrity and good faith, for information on the product’s composition, ingredients and attributes. EPA/Safer Choice has not independently identified, that is, via chemical analysis, the ingredients in the product formula, nor evaluated any of Stearns Packaging Corporation’s non-ingredient claims. EPA/Safer Choice provides its evaluation only as to the product’s human health and environmental characteristics, as specified in the Safer Choice Standard and based on currently available information and scientific understanding.

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