Bowl Cleaner

Category: Consumer Brands
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Industrial strength power to clean toilet bowls and urinals

  • Removes stubborn stains with ease
  • Breaks down and removes mineral deposits, lime scale, and urinary salts
  • Strong acid attacks hard water stains
  • Leaves toilet bowls sparkling clean
Product Number 1008114
Old Product # ST-25
For the HomeFor the Home Household Cleaners

Is a professional strength cleaner that cleans toilet bowls with ease. Its hydrochloric acid breaks down and removes mineral deposits, lime scale, and urinary salts. Use one ounce of Bowl Cleaner per bowl.

#1008114 - 12 x 32 fl. oz. case

Force water from toilet bowl by pushing a brush or mop over the trap (remove the screen from urinals). Pour one ounce of Bowl Cleaner into bowl or urinal. Scrub the interior of the bowl or urinal, especially under the rim at water outlets. Flush the unit to rinse the brush or mop and to wash away cleaning solution. Wring out the brush or mop by pressing it against the rim. Use gloves and goggles when handling this product.


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