Circle Cleaner Compound

Category: Commercial Bulk
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Powdered alkaline specialty cleaner for food plants

  • For cleaning stainless steel pasteurizers, preheaters, homogenizers, and tublar heaters
  • Removes cooked-on fruits, vegetables, meats, gravies, pie mixes, soups, and dairy
  • NSF Certified: A2


Product Number 2202075, 2204147
Old Product # ST-412, ST-414
NSF CertifiedNSF Certified NSF Certified: A1

An alkaline detergent containing sodium hydroxide (lye) and phosphates for cleaning pasteurizers, pre-heaters, homogenizers and tubular heaters of stainless steel design. Removes cooked-on fruits, vegetables, meats, gravies, pie mixes, soups, and dairy products.
pH (1% solution) - 14.0

#2202075 - 150 lb. drum
#2204147 - 400 lb. drum

Dairy Plants:

  1. Set up circulating system. Use 1 pound of Pyrosol or Hydrosol to each 15 gallons of water needed to circulate without airblocks. Circulate 20 to 30 minutes at processing temperatures.

    When this period is complete, drain machine of solution. Rinse thoroughly.

  2. Use 1 pound of Circle Cleaner to each 15 gallons of water needed (as used in step
    #1). Circulate 20 to 30 minutes. Direct circulating fluid to sewer drain. When machine is empty, run cold, fresh water through the machine until cool. Sanitize prior to reuse.


Soaking: Use 1 to 2 ounces of Circle Cleaner per gallon of water at 160 to 170°F for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
Circulation: Use 1 pound of Circle Cleaner for each 10 gallons at 160-170°F of water (more if soil is heavy) for 25 to 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
Steam Gun Cleaning: Use 3 pounds of Circle Cleaner for each 10 gallons of water as a stock solution.


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