Sana-Clean (Calcium, Lime, and Rust Remover)

Category: Consumer Brands
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Industrial strength power to instantly remove calcium, lime, and rust

  • Bathroom and kitchen cleaner
  • Cleans and brightens faucets, sinks, coffee pots, showers, and more
  • When used as directed, safe for stainless steel, chrome, copper, glass, and more
  • Removes water spots, calcium, limescale, rust, and soap scum
Product Number 1000443
Old Product # ST-44
For the HomeFor the Home Household Cleaners

Sana-Clean™ is the bathroom and kitchen cleaner you have been looking for. Use Sana-Clean™ on stainless steel, chrome fittings and fixtures, copper, glass, and brass. Removes water spots, calcium, limescale, rust, and soap residue found in kitchens, restaurants, and taverns. When used as directed, Sana-Clean is safe to use on all your fixtures. Drain boards, dispensers, faucets, and porcelain fixtures in bathrooms will sparkle after washing with Sana-Clean™.

#1000443 - 12 x 32 fl. oz. case

Wear rubber gloves, goggles and protective clothing when handling. Dilute one part Sana-Clean™ with three parts water (25/75 solution) to clean coffee pots, glassware, shower heads, tile, sinks, and toilet bowls. Reduce concentration for light-duty cleaning. Allow up to two minutes to penetrate stains. Then, wipe lightly, or scrub as needed. Immediately rinse well and wipe dry.

Note: May etch some older or worn tile, tubs, and sinks. If in doubt, spot test in an inconspicuous area.


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