Brisk® HE Laundry Detergent

Category: Consumer Brands
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High efficiency (HE) liquid laundry detergent

  • Powerful stain fighting action
  • Low-sudsing formula easily rinses from clothes
  • For all washing machines, including standard and high efficiency (HE)
  • Excellent in all water temperatures
  • Biodegradable, septic-safe, and phosphate-free
Product Number 1004802, 1008909
Old Product # ST-48, ST-89
For the HomeFor the Home Laundry Care

Is specially formulated for high efficiency front and top loading washers. High efficiency washers use less water than conventional washers. Add 1/2 cup per wash load.

#1004802 - 4 x 100 oz. case
#1008909 - 2 x 200 oz. case

Pretreat heavily-soiled articles by applying Brisk® HE Laundry Detergent on soiled areas and rubbing firmly. Always test on an inconspicuous area, such as an inside seam for colorfastness. Add to wash load; no presoaking is necessary. If desired, add bleach after wash cycle has begun. Brisk® HE Laundry Detergent is excellent for all water temperatures. For average wash load, use 1/2 cup. Use more for large loads or heavily-soiled loads.


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