Vehicle Wash Concentrate for Pressure Washers

Category: Automotive
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Lifts the dirt, grease and grime that accumulates on your vehicle's surface. It will not harm any surface on your car's exterior. Vehicle Wash is also safe to use on plastic and vinyl.

Product Number 1508251
Old Product # ST-100
AutomotiveAutomotive Pressure Wash Solutions- Concentrates

#1508251 - 4 x 1 gallon


  1. Use water without detergent in an initial cleaning to remove loose soil. Consult the pressure washer manufacturer's recommendations for maximum water temperature.
  2. Place detergent suction tube directly into container of VEHICLE WASH. Adjust metering valve (if applicable) to desired setting. Dilute 1 part VEHICLE WASH to 64 parts water (1/4 cup per gallon of water). Set nozzle to low pressure, hold the nozzle 12-18 inches from the surface. Spray soiled areas, working from the bottom up and allow VEHICLE WASH solution to penetrate for 1-3 minutes. If needed, use a soft brush on heavily soiled areas. 
  3. Rinse with high pressure water until foam is completely removed. Do not wash in direct sunlight or allow solution to dry on surface.


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