CHG Udder Wash Concentrate

Category: Farm Sanitation
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A chlorhexidine based udder wash

  • Mild non-iodine, non-acid udder wash
  • Concentrated, each gallon yields 256 gallons of udder wash solution
  • Pre-clean teats and udders before milking
  • Contains lanolin to promote healthy skin
  • For lactating dairy cows and dairy goats
Product Number 1205984
Old Product # ST-58
Dairy SanitationDairy Sanitation Udder Washes

CHG Udder Wash is a mild, non-iodine, non-acid udder wash that contains chlorhexidine gluconate. Each gallon of concentrate makes 256 gallons of udder wash solution at 60 ppm.

#1205984 - 4x1 gallon case


Prepare the udder wash solution by adding 1 ounce of CHG Udder Wash Concentrate to 2 gallons of (110-115°F) warm water (1/2 ounce per gallon) to yield 55 ppm minimum CHG.

Wash teats using a single service towel and warm water containing CHG Udder Wash Concentrate. Dry teats thoroughly with additional towels. Do not reuse towels or dip used towels back into the udder wash solution. Discard used towels and unused udder wash solution. Do not pour unused udder wash solution back into the original container.


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