Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse

Category: Farm Sanitation
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Heavy-duty acid detergent for pipelines and dairy equipment

  • Removes milkstone from bulk tanks, pipelines, utensils and dairy equipment
  • Combines high level of phosphoric acid and non-foaming detergency to remove stubborn mineral deposits
  • Leaves stainless dairy equipment sparkling clean
  • For CIP (clean in place) and manual use
Product Number 1205267, 1206752, 1205687, 1202525
Old Product # ST-11, ST-215, ST-216, ST-213
Dairy SanitationDairy Sanitation Cleaning Acids

Removes milkstone from bulk tanks, pipeline cleaners, pipeline, milking machines, utensils, and other dairy equipment. Contains phosphoric acid with non-foaming wetting agents for fast penetration of milkstone and hard water deposits. Easy on metals and glassware.

#1205267 - 4x1 gallon case
#1206752 - 5 gallon pail
#1205687 - 15 gallon drum
#1202525 - 55 gallon drum


  1. Immediately following use, pre-rinse with tepid water.
  2. Begin cleaning using either Manosol Bulk Tank Cleaner or Heavy Duty Dairy Utensil Cleaner according to their label directions at a temperature as warm as the hands can stand. Brush all surfaces. Wear rubber gloves if solution is irritating to hands.
  3. Acid rinse with a solution of Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 6 gallons of warm water to prevent milkstone buildup and water spotting. Twice each week, instead of acid rinsing, rinse with a solution of Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of warm (100°F) water for 10 minutes for the control of milkstone.
  4. Before reuse, sanitize with a solution of either Steramine® at a rate of 1 ounce per 4 gallons of water (200 ppm) or Hypo-Chlor Formula 6.40 at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of water (200 ppm) at a temperature of 145°F for 5 to 10 minutes, or follow local health recommendations. A minimum of a 2 minute contact time is required. Drain the used solution from the equipment and air dry. DO NOT RINSE.


  1. Immediately after milking, flush entire system with warm (100°F) water until the water runs clear.
  2. Circulate a solution of Sanitergent Mark X Pipeline Cleaner or Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent according to their label directions. Hand brush all parts not coming in contact with the solution.
  3. After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with water at 120°F and allow to drain.
  4. Acid rinse with a solution of Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 6 gallons of warm or cold water to prevent milkstone buildup and water spotting. Twice each week, instead of acid rinsing, rinse with a solution of Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of warm (100°F) water for 10 minutes for the control of milkstone.
  5. Before reuse, sanitize with a solution Hypo-Chlor Formula 6.40 at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of water (200 ppm) at a temperature of 145°F and circulate the solution for 5 to 10 minutes, or follow local health recommendations. A minimum of a 2 minute contact time is required. Drain the used solution from the equipment and air dry. DO NOT RINSE.


  1. Immediately after the talk has been emptied of milk, rinse all surfaces with tepid 90°-120° water.
  2. Remove all detachable equipment and make a solution of Manosol Bulk Tank Cleaner, Heavy Duty Dairy Utensil Cleaner, Sanitergent Mark X Pipeline Cleaner, or Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent according to their label directions. Brush the interior, especially the bottom of the cover, and all equipment thoroughly.
  3. After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with water at 120°F and allow to drain.
  4. Acid rinse with a solution of Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 6 gallons of warm or cold water to prevent milkstone buildup and water spotting. Twice each week, instead of acid rinsing, rinse with a solution of Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of warm (100°F) water for 10 minutes for the control of milkstone in the bulk tank.
  5. Before reuse, sanitize with a solution of either Steramine® at a rate of 1 ounce per 4 gallons of water (200 ppm) or Hypo-Chlor Formula 6.40 at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of water (200 ppm) at a temperature of 145°F, or follow local health recommendations. A minimum of a 2 minute contact time is required. Drain the used solution from the equipment and air dry. DO NOT RINSE.


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