Vacuum Pump Oil

Category: Farm Sanitation
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High-performance vacuum pump oil

  • Non-foaming oil for use in piston and rotary milking machines and vacuum pumps
  • Performance and protection for vacuum pumps and air compressors
  • Pour-point depressant for easier cold weather starts and faster lubrication or critical wear surfaces
  • Anti-wear and anti-foam additives
  • Oxidation inhibitors and corrosion protection
  • Blue color makes it easier to check oil levels in vacuum pumps
Product Number 1405243
Old Product # ST-5
Dairy SanitationDairy Sanitation Oils

Vacuum Pump Oil offers performance and protection for vacuum pumps and air compressors. A non-foaming oil. For use in all piston and rotary milking machine vacuum pumps.

#1405243 - 4x1 gallon case

#1401201 - 2x2.5 gallon case

Specially formulated with:

  • Pour-point depressant for easier cold weather starts and faster lubrication of critical wear surfaces.
  • Anti-wear additives.
  • Anti-foam additives.
  • Oxidation inhibitors.
  • Corrosion protection


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