Heavy Pine Floor Cleaner

Category: Commercial Bulk
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Industrial strength cleaner for high-traffic concrete floors

  • Heavy-duty powdered cleaner with a fresh pine scent
  • Removes grease and stubborn soils with ease
  • Ideal for factories, garages, warehouses, rest rooms, and locker rooms
  • Highly alkaline cleaner with phosphates
  • Turns green when contacted with water to allow staff to see where it has been applied
Product Number 2205519, 2255200, 2205533
Old Product # ST-551, ST-552, ST-553

For cleaning and deodorizing concrete floors where traffic is heavy and grime, grease, and other soil may be embedded. Contains no soap, so there are no soap residues to make the floor slippery when wet. For use in factories, garages, filling stations, warehouses, waiting rooms, rest rooms, and locker rooms. Dilute 3 to 4 oz. per gallon of water for use.
pH (1% solution) - 11.9

#2205519 - 18 lb. pail
#2255200 - 50 lb. pail
#2205533 - 100 lb. drum

  1. Sweep concrete floor.
  2. Dissolve Heavy Pine Floor Cleaner in warm water (use 3 to 4 ounces per gallon of water).
  3. Apply liberally with a mop.
  4. Allow to loosen soil for 10 to 15 minutes. Brush occasionally if soil is heavy.
  5. Rinse with water and allow floor to dry.


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