Air Freshener

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Fresh-Scent, Odor Counteractant

Product Number 2308831, 2308190
Old Product # ST-807, ST-819

Neutralizes odor in any indoor environment. Spray the fresh-scented solution into the air in restrooms, schools, hospitals, day care centers, nursing homes, and more.  Leaves area naturally clean and fresh-smelling. Spray solution on carpets, fabrics, or hard surfaces to attack odors at their source.  One pack makes 1 quart.

Use with #2909128 pre-printed spray bottles.

#2308831 - 72 x 1 fl. oz. per case. One pack makes 1 quart.
Use with #2909128 pre-printed spray bottles.

#2308190 - 10 x 10 fl. oz. per case. One pack makes 2.5 gallons.
Use with #2909128 pre-printed spray bottle and #2908930 5-gallon Quik Tank container.



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