Stearns Packaging Corporation’s environmental commitment has endured since 1964. That year’s pioneering innovation of premeasured cleaning products in portion-control was just the beginning of Stearns’ sustainability leadership.

Today, Stearns’ Dispenser-Free® technology continues to serve the well-being of the built environment and its population with products and control systems that reduce the use of resources and energy. Stearns Packaging’s sustainability commitment embraces respect for our customers, our community, and our world. In partnership with the leading environmental protection and certification agencies, Stearns Packaging’s DispenserFree® technology delivers tangible, verifiable performance, safety, and environmental benefits. New, greener, sustainable chemistry and source-reduced premeasured packaging technology reduces everyone’s footprint.

Sustainability Milestones:

  • 1965: Kroger Stores partner with Stearns Packaging to develop premeasured store floor maintenance program.
  • 1968: May issue, Modern Packaging magazine, 3-page feature on Stearns Packaging titled “Now— problem liquids in a pouch”. The article proclaims “..economy…vastly reduced shipping weight…now such a package has achieved successful commercial reality in three important applications.”
  • 1978: Stearns Premeasured line repositioned for janitorial distributor channel.
  • 1979: Oil crisis puts national spotlight on energy conservation. Wire services feature item on nation’s business pages. “Stearns’ Proposal ‘Stop Shipping’ Water!’”
  • 1991: 20th anniversary of Earth Day. Water Flakes® line of water-soluble premeasured packets developed. Zero-waste packaging achieved.
  • 2004: Green Seal GS-37 Environmental Certification awarded to: GS Extra-Strength Cleaner Concentrate, GS Neutral Cleaner Concentrate, GS Window Cleaner Concentrate, and GS Restroom & Bow Cleaner Concentrate.
  • 2005: Stearns Packaging Corporation becomes key sponsor of Green Seal’s GS-42 Green Cleaning Standard.
  • 2007: Dispenser-Free Control Systems® position highlights waste reduction in process and product.
  • 2007: Your Green Cleaning Start-Up booklet created. 1,000’s distributed and included in ST-902 and ST-849A Green Cleaning Starter Kits.
  • 2008: Water Flakes® water-solubles achieve EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) recognition.
  • 2008: Jungle Jake®, Extreme Green®, and Extra-Strength Cleaner Concentrate recognized by EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE).
Quality Commitment

The employees of Stearns Packaging Corporation are committed to providing quality innovative products, on time, that consistently meet or exceed our customers’ requirements and expectations.

Sustainability Commitment

The natural beauty of southern Wisconsin and the progressive character of its people are in harmony with Stearns’ longstanding example of good corporate citizenship. Stearns Packaging was a conscientious manufacturer of environmentally-preferable cleaning products decades before “sustainability” took on its present meaning. For Stearns Packaging Corporation, sustainability will always mean applying resources in a way that will allow people to meet their needs today and in the future.



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