Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent

Category: Farm Sanitation
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Heavy-duty non-foaming chlorinated pipeline detergent

  • Highly alkaline liquid cleaner fortified with chlorine
  • Removes milk fat and protein residues from dairy equipment
  • For dairy pipelines, milking machines, bulk tanks, and even plastic parts
  • Completely free-rinsing, leaving stainless steel and glass sparkling clean
  • Excellent in hard water
  • Buffered with silicates and complex phosphates
  • For CIP (clean in place) and manual use
Product Number 1205380, 1206769, 1204789, 1202532
Old Product # ST-260, ST-265, ST-261, ST-262
Dairy SanitationDairy Sanitation CIP Detergents

Liquid Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent is a potent, non-foaming, highly alkaline cleaner for automatic circulating applications. Fortified with chlorine to cut milk residues quickly, it leaves tanks and pipelines clear and shining clean. Buffered with silicates and complex phosphates. Excellent in hard water.

#1205380 - 4x1 gallon case
#1206769 - 5 gallon pail
#1204789 - 15 gallon drum
#1202532 - 55 gallon drum

Immediately after milking, flush entire system with warm (100°F) water until the water runs clear. Circulate a solution of Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of water at 160°F for 10 minutes, opening and draining all valves at this time. Hand brush all parts not coming in contact with the solution. 

For extremely hard water increase amount of detergent as follows: 
Over 22 grains hardness use: 1½ ounce Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent to 2 gallons of water. 
Over 32 grains hardness use: 2 ounces Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent to 2 gallons water. 

After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with water at 120°F and allow to drain. Acid rinse with a solution of either Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 5 gallons of warm or cold water, or Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 6 gallons of warm or cold water, to prevent milkstone buildup and water spotting. 

Twice each week, instead of acid rinsing, rinse with a solution of Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of warm (100°F) water for 10 minutes for the control of milkstone. 

Before reuse, sanitize with a solution of Hypo-Chlor Formula 6.40 at a rate of 1 ounce per 2 gallons of water (200 ppm) at a temperature of 145°F and circulate the solution for 5 to 10 minutes, or follow local health recommendations. A minimum of a 2 minute contact time is required. 

Drain the used solution from the equipment and air dry. DO NOT RINSE. Place small, hard to clean milking machine parts in a solution of 1 ounce Chlorinated Pipeline Detergent to 2 gallons hot 160°F water and agitate for a few minutes. Sanitize all washed equipment according to your local health regulations just prior to use.


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