Moisturizing Hand Soap with Aloe

Category: Household
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Moisturizing hand soap for everyday use

  • Produces a luxurious lather that cleans your hands without drying them out
  • Contains aloe to soothe and moisturize dry, cracked skin
  • Refill sizes for hand soap dispensers
  • Hand washing is one of most effective ways to prevent the spread of many types of infection and illiness
Product Number 1008503, 1008299
Old Product # ST-75, ST-1000

Produces a luxurious, lasting lather that rinses freely leaving no residual film on skin. A mild yet fast-working lotion soap with a bouquet fragrance. Perfect for use in liquid hand soap dispensers.
pH (concentrate) - 7.0

#1008503 - 6 x 1/2 gal. case
 - 4 x 1 gallon case

  1. Wet hands with water.
  2. Apply soap and lather thoroughly.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Dry hands with clean paper towel.


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