Hypo-Chlor Formula 6.40

Category: Farm Sanitation
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Liquid chlorine sanitizer and deodorizer

  • For all types of milkhouse and food plant sanitation tasks
  • Low cost and broad-spectrum antimicrobial action
  • Non-foaming formula makes it the preferred sanitizer in many clean in place (CIP) applications
  • Formulates with 6.4% sodium hypochlorite
  • No rinse required prior to re-using the equipment
  • NSF Certified: D2
  • EPA Registration #3640-64
Product Number 2908107, 1202730
Old Product # ST-1, ST-2047
Dairy SanitationDairy Sanitation Sanitizers
NSF CertifiedNSF Certified NSF Certified: D2
EPA Registration No. 3640-64

Hypo-Chlor Formula 6.40 is the universal sanitizer and deodorant for all types of milkstone and food plant cleaning jobs. Its low cost and broad spectrum anti-microbial action makes it the preferred sanitizer in many dairy operations.

#2908107 - 6x1 gallon case
#1202730 - 55 gallon drum


Immersion Method: A solution of 100 ppm available chlorine may be used in the sanitizing solution if a chlorine test kit is available. Solutions containing an initial concentration of 100 ppm available chlorine must be tested and adjusted periodically to ensure that the available chlorine does not drop below 50 ppm. Prepare a 100 ppm sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing 1 oz. of this product with 4 gallons of water. If no test kit is available, prepare a sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing 2 oz. of this product with 4 gallons of water to provide approximately 200 ppm available chlorine by weight. Clean equipment in the normal manner. Prior to use, immerse equipment in the sanitizing solution for at least 2 minutes and allow the sanitizer to drain. If solution contains less than 50 ppm available chlorine, as determined by a suitable test kit, either discard the solution or add sufficient product to reestablish a 200 ppm residual. Do not rinse equipment with water after treatment. Sanitizers used in automated systems may be used for general cleaning but may not be reused for sanitizing purposes.

Clean In Place Method: Thoroughly clean equipment after use. Prepare a volume of a 200 ppm available chlorine sanitizing solution equal to 110% of volume capacity of the equipment by mixing the product in a ratio of 2 oz. product to 4 gallons of water. Pump solution through the system until full flow is obtained at all extremities, the system is completely filled with the sanitizer and all air is removed from the system. Close drain valves and hold under pressure for at least 10 minutes to ensure contact with all internal surfaces. Remove some cleaning solution from drain valve and test with a chlorine test kit. Repeat entire cleaning/sanitizing process if effluent contains less than 50 ppm available chlorine.

Available Chlorine
600 ppm 6 oz. to 4 gal. water. Sanitation of Porous Food Contact Surfaces.
200 ppm 2 oz. to 4 gal. water. Food Egg Sanitation.
100 ppm 1 oz. to 4 gal. water. Sanitation of Non-Porous Food Contact Surfaces. Minimum 2 Minute Contact Time Required.


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